InvArch Realizes On-Chain IP Assets, Licensing, & Git Version Control Under A Web3 Foundation Grant

6 min readAug 6, 2022


Today, the InvArch team is excited to announce that their second milestone has been accepted & their Web3 Foundation grant proposal is complete! Under this grant, the InvArch team successfully developed several custom Substrate Pallets realizing an array of on-chain IP assets, which include IP Sets, IP Files, IP Licenses, & IP Tokens. The InvArch Network will use these pallets in its INV4 FRAME, along with the RMRK NFT Pallet, which will comprise the INV4 Protocol.

Additionally, the team delivered the INV4-GIT tool, which allows users of Substrate-based chains using the INV4 Protocol to seamlessly manage their on-chain assets using the git protocol & the Command Line Interface (CLI). This allows blockchains, most notably the InvArch & Tinkernet Parachains, to act as decentralized hosting providers for git repositories & realize true code ownership for Web3!

The InvArch Network Grant Proposal

Under this grant, the InvArch INV4 FRAME will be released & maintained by the InvArch Network team. The INV4 FRAME is a Rust Pallet Module for Substrate-based chains that realizes the INV4 Protocol and, as a result, the possibility for on-chain IP Assets, Licenses, & flexibility for international compliance. IP Assets will be showcased in the Substate ecosystem. The INV4 FRAME Pallet is a critical component of the InvArch Network’s runtime & is housed within the InvArch FRAME Pallet Library.

The INV4 Protocol is also achieved using the RMRK standard. Learn more here:


  • 📁 IP Sets — A Root or Parent IP Set and/or a Child Subset (collections) of interchangeable & freely composable IP Files & NFTs.
  • 📄 IP Files — NFT-based files that can emulate or contain any content or data found as any other file on the internet & local devices.
  • 📑 IP Licenses — On-chain Licensing agreements pegged to an IP Set that can be used to allocate ownership, manage custom access, & define utility.
  • 🪙 IP Tokens — Fungible tokens pegged to an IP Set & managed using an IP License; multiple unique classes of IP Tokens can be pegged to the same IP Set.

These are the most advanced & composable NFT primitives deployed within the Polkadot & Kusama ecosystems, featuring the ability for open development possibilities & tree-like file structures for NFTs. Combine this with the power of Substrate chains, and something crazy happens 👉 everything that could ever be developed & stored on Web2 can now be created & stored using Web3!


  • When interacting with within pallet-inv4 users can call the following functions create_ips, destroy, append, remove, allow_replica, disallow_replica, & create_replica.
  • When interacting with pallet-ipf users can call the following functions: mint & burn.
  • When interacting with within pallet-inv4users can call the following functions: set_asset_weight & set_permission.
  • When interacting with within pallet-inv4users can call the following functions: mint, burn, create_subasset, operate_multisig, vote_multisig, withdraw_vote_multisig, burn.
  • Some hidden functions are only callable by the actual Pallets in the INV4 FRAME themselves.

You can learn more about the team’s grant proposal by clicking the link below & heading over to GitHub:

The InvArch Team provides a walkthrough & workshop showcasing the functionality of the INV4 Protocol, which can be found below. Readers can Get Brainstorm test tokens & test out INV4 on the Brainstorm Testnet, too!

Brainstorm (Solo-Chain) Testnet Guide:

Brainstorm (Solo-Chain) Testnet Workshop:


Additionally, under this grant, the InvArch team released a middleware tool for transparently managing INV4 assets using the standard git CLI commands.

While not your typical end-user interface, developers can use their computer’s command-line interface for managing INV4 assets using the standard git CLI commands transparently!

In a nutshell, INV4 assets are the files, folders, and licenses of web2 fused with the non-fungible & fungible token technologies of web3. INV4-GIT is a tool used to manage git repositories as NFTs, which are stored & hosted on the InvArch Network (or any other Substrate-based chain that incorporates the INV4 Frame in their runtime).

The InvArch Team provides a demo video of INV-GIT, available below:

The InvArch Network

InvArch is a revolutionary layer-1 blockchain network that realizes a robust infrastructure for IP assets, accelerated development, & cross-chain authentication of NFT metadata. InvArch is designed not just to allow new products of development to take flight but also to change how individuals & teams can develop together. Built on the Substrate blockchain framework & designed to launch on the Polkadot ecosystem as a Parachain, the InvArch Network is a fast, scalable, & interoperable chain supercharged by three novel protocols.

  • The INV4 Protocol features IP Sets & Files, new NFTs just as composable as the files on your computer. Like music, code, art, or any other file, they can all feature attached copyright & licensing agreements. IP Tokens can be used to divide copyright ownership, voting rights, royalty claims, customized access rights, & more.
  • The OCIF protocol completely disrupts the future of funding by incentivizing on-chain staking, farming, & donations for IP assets, dApps, & startups. This provides several different avenues & mechanisms for fundraising that can accommodate the needs & desires of various projects & initiatives.
  • The XCA protocol provides the first trustless method for verifying the authenticity & uniqueness of NFT metadata & files across all of Web3. InvArch realizes piracy-proof assets today for a plagiarism-impossible internet tomorrow to encourage open-source development while still protecting IP.

The InvArch Network achieves this by harnessing the power of NFTs, introducing powerful new primitives, & providing a secure and transparent ecosystem for development that is robust with innovation & cutting-edge technology.

The Web3 Foundation

The mission of the Web3 Foundation is to nurture cutting-edge applications for decentralized web software protocols. Its passion is delivering Web 3.0, a decentralized and fair internet where users control their data, identity, and destiny.

In support of its mission, the Web3 Foundation grants program funds software development and research in the field of decentralized software protocols.

Development projects funded through our grants program are broad in scope. They include low-level infrastructure development such as alternative client implementations, ecosystem components like wallets, and software designed to enable direct use cases such as identity and supply-chain modules.

Looking Towards The Future Of The InvArch Network

As the team continues to build, further plans down the roadmap look at developing Smart Licenses, a utility-specific version of smart contracts focused on IP licensing. The team will also be rolling out the On-Chain Innovation Funding (OCIF) protocol in the coming months, which will realize IP asset staking & introduce several funding mechanisms for IP. Additionally, as recently introduced during Polkadot Decoded 2022 in NYC, the team will be developing the Cross-Chain Authentication (XCA) protocol, which will realize a trustless system for authenticating & protecting IP assets across Web3!

The InvArch Tinkernet, the canary network of InvArch, goes live on Kusama on August 8th! At this time, INV4 & INV4-GIT will be available for developers to use in a live environment!

Stay Connected As The Team Keeps Building! 💻




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