Tinkernet: An Important Step Towards Decentralization of IP Rights in Web3

7 min readAug 22, 2022


Created by InvArch Ambassador: Wapka#8718

The InvArch Team is proud to release the first ever InvArch Ambassador Contributory Article.

Through the recent revamp of our InvArch Ambassador Program, a contribution process was implemented called “Creation Flow” to give Ambassadors the opportunities to showcase their writing, graphic design, and overall content creation skills. During this process, the InvArch Team chooses a theme for our creative Ambassadors to base their articles and graphic designs off of, then our other Ambassadors (Moderators and ARMY members) vote on such proposed articles and graphic designs. As a result, the selected articles and graphic designs are then featured on the InvArch Medium Blog, and across all InvArch Social Media accounts.

Congratulations to Danzel99#5982 who authored this article, and to Julissa#5024, Wapka#8718, and Nullex_tv#5008 for creating the graphic designs featured in this article! 👏

Greetings to all crypto-enthusiasts and fans of Tinkernet and InvArch network. Today I want to tell you about the Tinkernet Network and its victory in the 43rd Parachain slot on Kusama and what it means for the Ecosystem.

First of all, you have to draw a line right away and understand the difference between Tinkernet and InvArch. First, Tinkernet was created as a test network of the mainnet, InvArch network, an environment where users can test their code before going into the InvArch mainnet.

The InvArch Network team has come up with an ingenious solution to grow and develop your ideas, protect your IP, and tokenize your innovative ideas. It can range from anything between audio, photos, videos, business relationships and real estate ownership, and even licensing and streamlining management rights. Not to mention, create more revenue streams from your tokenized intellectual property.

Simply put, all ideas become tokens that are directly owned by the owner and do not require lengthy patent procedures at the on-chain level. The owner can also share intellectual property tokens with individuals with resources to help kick start their project, i.e., invite interested investors, for example, and allow them to have a certain percentage of ownership over the IP set.

Created by InvArch Ambassador: Julissa#5024

The InvArch Tinkernet offers three main purposes: one for the developers who maintain the network, another for the developers who build on top of the network, and one for the end-users of dApps & applications that result from the network.

The main notion of Tinkernet is no different from InvArch’s, that’s important. The difference is that on Tinkernet, developers, innovators, etc., can launch their projects as their “First-to-Market” projects on the Canary Network, using the tools and going with the fast-pace, experimental environment that the Kusama network provides.

Before we go any deeper, we need to define two key elements: Polkadot and Kusama, its canary network.

To recap, Polkadot & Kusama are blockchain networks that:

  • Share the same underlying architecture
  • Connects networks together
  • On-chain governance
  • Allows anyone to easily create a blockchain with Parity Technologies’ Substrate framework
  • Forkless, on-chain upgrades and Cross-Consensus Message Passing for interoperability

Due to the large number of projects wanting to get their slot, it was decided that holding candle auctions was the best way to facilitate the securing of Parachain slots. Bidders for a slot have an announced period for bidding. The time of completion of the auction is chosen randomly and the project that has the highest bid at that time in KSM or DOT wins the parachain slot.

The importance of having a parachain on the Kusama network is that canary networks like Tinkernet are able to deploy their code in a community-controlled network, where it would be more comfortable for certain projects to experiment on new ideas, go into a more “Early-stage” development process, and ensure that their code, applications and dApps work well to be safely launched on Polkadot (if this is the project’s end goal). Some projects simply want to stay on Kusama!

Created by InvArch Ambassador: Nullex_tv#5008

The InvArch team sees that Kusama gives Tinkernet the opportunity to be an experimental, “community proving ground” for projects to launch their “first-to-market” ideas. Truly square one for innovation. Being the canary network of the InvArch Network, it is designed as the IP Asset & accelerated development staging grounds for the Kusama ecosystem.

Kusama is constantly testing not only different projects, but also the ecosystem itself. Kusama is always one step ahead of Polkadot, trying out new features that the latter would like to eventually deploy once the kinks are ironed out, giving the team a means to be much more innovative and take greater risks without putting the Polkadot Ecosystem at risk.

Other Kusama features include:

  1. Acquisition of a parachain slot (required for testing on Kusama, which is an important feature). Chains can be voted as ‘common goods’ parachains, win a parachain auction, or set up as a ‘parachain’, which is essentially pay-as-you-go access with an auction for each block.
  2. Set up as a validator. This is a great way to go through the process and understand the expectations/requirements before switching to Polkadot, as the minimum requirements for bidding on Kusama are lower. On the other hand, users can act as a nominator, which requires some share of stakes but allows for a ‘set it and forget it’ approach. Nominators assign their share to validators and receive either a percentage of the reward, or are reduced if the validator they nominate performs poorly and is reduced.
  3. The stakes also allow users to propose and vote in governances, which will help the network evolve and improve over time.

InvArch aims to build an intuitive network to tokenize ideas and form decentralized partnerships.

In general, the whole technology of the project is implemented through 3 main protocols:

👉 The INV4 protocol features IP Sets & Files, a new class of NFTs just as composable as the files on your computer. Like music, code, art, or any other file, they can all feature attached copyright & licensing agreements. The INV4 protocol will be the first protocol to be tested on the Kusama network. Tinkernet will showcase the INV4 protocol (IP Sets, IP Files, IP Licenses, & IP Tokens), & INV4-Git on Kusama. IP Assets are the files, folders, and licenses of web2 fused with the non-fungible & fungible token technologies of web3.

  • INV4-Git is a tool that’s used to manage versions of IP Sets & File edits that are then transferred to Root IP Sets on the InvArch blockchain. INV4-GIT is the developer’s destination to Web3 for Git File Management and Version Control. With INV4-GIT, developers can tokenize their code and have it consist of InvArch features such as distributed ownership and on-chain licensing.
  • Simply put, INV4-GIT/ GitArch will be like a new version of Github for developers. It will already implement the capabilities and tools of all three InvArch protocols to implement and store intellectual property files.

👉 The OCIF protocol completely disrupts the current state of funding & incentives by realizing on-chain, IP staking, IP farming, & IP donations for IP assets, dApps, & startups. They will all be integrated into Tinkernet and allow users to seek startup funds to get a jump start with their projects & get building.

👉 The XCA protocol provides the first trustless method for verifying the authenticity & uniqueness of NFT metadata & files across all of Web3. InvArch realizes piracy-proof assets today for a plagiarism-impossible internet tomorrow to encourage open-source development while still protecting IP.
As far as I know, this protocol is still under development, but it too will be implemented in Tinkernet and tested.

Also, one of the most novel focuses for the Tinkernet Parachain is that it is going to be providing a new paradigm for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

So with all that said, take the Tinkernet Parachain like an incubator (that is on Kusama and for Web3), and the InvArch Parachain like an accelerator (on Polkadot and for Web3). Simply put, if you have a novel idea that you want to see be developed and realized, go through Tinkernet first and once it’s in its best version possible, it can be launched on the InvArch Parachain.

Now a bit about the tokenomics of Tinkernet. It’s a little different from the tokenomics of InvArch, but you can read more about it in the original article from the team here. I will just show you how it looks like.

Tinkernet (TNKR) Tokenomics
Tinkernet (TNKR) Token Distributions & Allocations

Congratulations again to Danzel99#5982 who authored this article, and to Julissa#5024, Wapka#8718, and Nullex_tv#5008 for creating the amazing graphics found in the article!

If you’d like to follow them on social media, here are their Twitter handles:

Author: @FinvestP (Danzel)
Graphic Designers: @Julissa0888 (Julissa), @DmitriyChepurn1 (Wapka), @haritomas (Nullex_tv)

InvArch Network is the IP Meta Protocol & Digital Rights Management Network of Web3, the Leading-Edge L1 Blockchain that Redefines the Future of Open-Source Composability & Human Innovation.

We don’t want your email, but we’d love for you to join our community! 💜

Twitter: https://twitter.com/InvArchNetwork / (and @TinkerParachain)

Discord: https://discord.gg/invarch

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/InvArchNetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/InvArch

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/invarch

Subsocial: https://app.subsocial.network/5857

GitHub: https://github.com/InvArch

Website: https://invarch.network/




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