The InvArch Network Dual Token Economy.

6 min readDec 5, 2022


A Vision for the Creator Economy

Using blockchain technology, an extremely versatile standard for new digital primitives that are able to accommodate & define all forms of digital ownership & content rights can be provided under a globally connected system that is enforceable & accessible anywhere in the world.

The InvArch blockchain is a systems parachain (a layer-1 blockchain built for the Polkadot relay chain) that provides a network of multi-party ownership, collaboration, and monetization protocols together with the InvArch Tinkernet (its sister parachain, currently on the Kusama relay chain). These protocols provide no-code solutions for defining digital ownership & governance structures which can feature trustless licensing, royalties, and reputation logic built on top of them using Pallets & smart contracts.

Combining the technologies & concepts behind NFTs, DAOs, & fungible tokens, dApps & tooling built using the InvArch Network are able to feature the trustless logic provided by its protocols in order to quickly deploy tailored solutions servicing the creator economy.

This is all powered in part by the network’s INV4 protocol. Discover the INV4 protocol in the article posted below:

The InvArch Parachain

The InvArch network is optimized to provide block space towards on-chain entities that facilitate the storage organization, intellectual property, and ownership structure over assets & throughout organizations across all of web3; this includes providing asynchronous-backed block space towards dApps deployed on external blockchain networks under a protected system.

Using the InvArch parachain’s custom XCM configurations & toolkit, we are able to service other parachains & their developers, providing our optimized block space towards their dApps as needed. Assets on the InvArch Network are able to function as single instances with single states that are interoperable & mutable across a multi-chain ecosystem without ever actually needing to actually transfer them to another chain.

The InvArch Tinkernet

Tinkernet is a layer-1 blockchain (a parachain on the Kusama relay chain) that currently acts as the canary network for InvArch, a proving ground for the InvArch team, and a community-driven funding environment for on-chain innovation.

Currently, the core features of the Tinkernet chain are:

  • Mint INV4-Cores, NFTs, INV-Tokens, & set INV-License.
  • Stake INV4-Cores (NFTs) for funding & TNKR tokens for rewards.
  • Integrate with the INV4-GIT middleware tool for git storage.
  • Service any connected & custom graphic user interfaces (GUIs).

The TNKR token is the primary medium of value used to facilitate network transaction costs (gas fees) & throughout the network’s staking features. However, all of this is going to change in the future…

Two Tokens. One System.

A massive change is being planned for the InvArch Network, one which includes the direct integration of the TNKR token into its economy.

This new system proposes a model where the InvArch Network, by proxy, controls the governance over itself and the Tinkernet chain; one blockchain is responsible for governance over two chains that comprise the network. This same chain is responsible for providing storage of assets. Another chain is responsible for housing the applications & products that use those assets, as well as providing a community-driven environment for kickstarting their development.

Being built using the Substrate SDK, and because of the numerous available technologies within the Polkadot tech stack, a hybrid system between two chains can be provided with block space between the two networks optimized for their specific purposes.

The InvArch Network focuses on providing permanent data storage, storage of NFT assets, and governance over the creator economy. The provision of storage & participation in network governance is incentivized using the VARCH token.

Assets on the InvArch Network are able to function as single instances with single states that are mutable across a multi-chain ecosystem. This allows the InvArch Network to act as a single blockchain that could service multi-party ownership logic & NFT assets to the entire Polkadot ecosystem — acting almost as a native extension of NFT, DAO, & IP Pallets on any connected parachain!

  • The VARCH token must be staked to provide storage to the network.
  • The VARCH token must be bonded to vote in network governance.
  • Staked & Bonded VARCH tokens receive dividend rewards in TNKR.

The InvArch Tinkernet will focus on housing the INV-Entity & INV-Engine modules, along with incentivizing & empowering development via the On-Chain Innovation Funding (OCIF) protocol.

INV-Entity will be responsible for registering on-chain entities and includes the legal registration of DAOs & the registration of assets to verified credentials, both of which are designed to be achieved in combination with XCM & other ecosystem parachains.

INV-Engine will be a virtual machine for deploying Smart Licenses — IP licensing-specific smart contracts that facilitate trustless licensing agreements between multiple parties over INV4 assets.

  • The TNKR token is staked using OCIF for rewards via inflation.
  • The TNKR token is used to cover fees across InvArch & Tinkernet.
  • TNKR is the primary economic medium across the InvArch Network.

One System. Two Tokenomics.

With the above-mentioned changes & the introduction of this hybrid system, an overhaul is required for both the InvArch & Tinkernet Tokenomics. The most notable changes can be found in the VARCH token.

  • Max Supply: 117,000,000 (117m, no inflation)
  • Storage & Governance Reserves (43%) rewarded over 50 years.

However, the TNKR token will experience some changes as well; however, nothing major. Following a successful crowdloan, a reduction in funding towards the Crowdloan Reserves (future slots will be secured using treasury funding, as needed). An increase in allocation toward the InvArch team (for future team members only, there is no increase in current team allocations).

Ecosystem support will be focused on fostering a healthy ecosystem of network collators & initial bonus OCIF staking rewards. The Economy Reserves will be used for early InvArch development incentives, these include:

  • Community development & marketing initiatives (15%)
  • VARCH holder ecosystem airdrop (20%)
  • Treasure reserves (10%)

In the future, an inflationary-burn model will be researched & likely implemented, allowing the TNKR token & its purpose as the economic utility token of the InvArch Network to act as “Ultra Sound Money” in the future!

The VARCH token acts as a utility medium, and the TNKR token acts as a financial medium, and together they are able to optimally service their unique needs while bringing value to network participants instead of just shifting that value.

Individuals who provide storage to the network & those who participate in the governance of the network by locking up VARCH are able to earn additional portions of VARCH; however, by locking-up VARCH users earn a dividend in TNKR. The TNKR token realizes its value based on the utility & services built across the InvArch Network & value facilitated via the OCIF protocol. VARCH brings its users value through the TNKR token dividends it yields.

This way, participants actually earn value from the network while also providing services to the network, without needing to forgo the VARCH that allows them to do so in the first place.

Further Details Still to Come

Full details will be released in an upcoming edition of the InvArch Papers, which will detail the storage & governance models of the network, the distribution & rewards rate of the VARCH token, the dividend rate of the TNKR token, and the bridging of the InvArch & Tinkernet Parachains.




One Account. Any Blockchain. Infinite Possibilities.