InvArch Weekly Wednesday: August 3rd, 2022

7 min readAug 4, 2022


Watch the InvArch Weekly Update on YouTube:


To all the InvArchitects out there and everyone else joining from the Dotsama community and the broader Web3 communities, welcome to this week’s InvArch Weekly Wednesday! We are coming to you from the InvArch VR Office and have brief but awesome updates to share!


Tinkernet is Coming to Kusama! — #TinkerCountdown

Over the last few InvArch Weekly Wednesdays, we have announced that on August 8th, 2022, according to block time, the InvArch canary network, Tinkernet, will be onboarding onto the Kusama Relay!

To get the gears turning on the excitement, if you head over to the Tinkernet Twitter account (@TinkerParachain), you will see that for each day, we give 1 significant reason to get excited for Tinkernet coming to Kusama, a.k.a #TinkerCountdown⚙️⏳!

So far, three reasons have been published, highlighting Tinkernet being the first chain to launch RMRK 2.0 NFT Pallets, Tinkernet becoming a powerful Web3-based git hosting provider, and underlining its high-level composability.

RMRK coming to Tinkernet

In light of Tinkernet coming to Kusama and having it be the first chain to launch RMRK 2.0 NFT Pallets, Dakota wanted to highlight that Bruno and the RMRK team are phenomenal, dedicated, and exceptional individuals. They have built in this space with a true purpose–to build the best technology. They have worked extraordinarily hard to bring their technology from smart contracts, to bring that power over to Rust, for pallets, for Substrate chains, for chains like Tinkernet, which means we will also be able to utilize such fantastic technology.

So a massive shout out to Bruno and the RMRK team again! Also, a shoutout to Alpha Airdrop (@AlphAirdrop on Twitter), who does a great job keeping everyone updated!

More Website Updates

The best way that we can put it: we want to provide a DARN GOOD website.

We envision the InvArch website to be super clean, well-organized, resourceful–where anyone can find information on InvArch, the technology, the community, etc. in the easiest and most seamless way possible in the most user friendly way.

The website updates also include:

  • Embassy page for our Ambassadors
  • Polkadot, Kusama, etc. wallet integration (ex. Polkadot.js, Talisman, etc.) for individuals to check their TNKR allocations, how much is unlocked, how much is vested, the vested time remaining, and more!

Also, another warm welcome to Pedro Filho, our Lead Front-End Web3 Developer, who has been onboarded to the team and has been doing an excellent job since he joined! The InvArch team is confident that the community will like what is being done on the Front-End development side of things.

YoudleDAO — A Brief Introduction

YoudleDAO will be a community-controlled DAO that focuses on the continued prosperity and growth of the Dotsama ecosystem by fostering innovative projects and incubating the brightest minds in Web3.

Youdle = Your doodle, as in a doodle of yourself! Every Youdle component is uniquely hand-drawn by the InvArch team’s very own designer, Yaroslav.

21 Youdles are custom made & purposefully pieced together before their minting. 10 of these are for the InvArch team to personally use, 10 more will be attainable by purchasing a “Custom Youdle Ticket” on Singular, and 1 is reserved as the face of YoudleDAO: Gavin Woudle.

30 Youdles will be special “moderatooooors” in the DAO.
950 Youdles be randomly generated & 250 of them will be reserved as “Earn-Only” & attainable through DAO participation by non-Youdle holders.

Youdles will be minted on Singular & then upgraded for RMRK 2. Youdlooooors can change components across their Youdles, putting the “You” in each NFT. Youdles on the secondary market, their components & even their bases have a personal reason for people to purchase depending on their appearance preferences & desired DAO role. Later, these assets (the RMRK NFT collection) will be upgraded on Tinkernet to an IP Set.

There are different groups of Youdles: Leadooooors, Developooooors, Designooooors, & more. These groups will trustlessly handle the access rights for which groups in the DAO holders have access to vote and/or communicate. These Youdles will also receive tokens from the initial airdrop of the $YOU token.

Non-transferrable fungible tokens are used as experience points for the DAO’s reputation system & affect the royalty divisions (if any) of the DAO. Youdles will later be upgraded using the XCA protocol and will be the first plagiarism-resistant (& soon, plagiarism-proof) NFT collection in history! Youdles will be the first to experience cross-chain authentication (XCA), and users will get a hamming-distance score on their NFTs (comparing them to others), which will be a very unique experience for its holders.

Youdles is intentionally designed for the sake of this journey through NFT evolution & to serve as prime volunteers to showcase InvArch technology.

The DAO will feature & showcase some of the most advanced on-chain features in web3, including multi-sig control over Discord ownership, DAO-owning websites stored on-chain in git repositories and more. The idea is that as a DAO there will be unified entry into supporting promising projects while dividing the allocations of any spoils directly among holders in the form of those tokens; versus 100% selling those tokens & then giving “shareholders” liquidated-sourced compensation.

Youdles will be the official collection of NFTs of YoudleDAO. Youdles will be minted on RMRK, there will be 21 custom Youdles, then there will be 980 Youdles that are randomly generated using custom-created components; with RMRK 2.0 technology, everything will be updated & migrated, and individuals will burn their original Youdle, and then they will get their Youdle with all of their components, completely composable, which means at the foundation, a Youdle will define a specific role in the YoudleDAO which will affect the access rights for individuals a.k.a holders to specific channels and what not which will be trustlessly enforced.

Individuals will be able to have a Youdle & whether it's by their initial components and accessories, or ones they acquire through the secondary market, they will be able to build a Youdle that represents who they are and show how personable they can be!

More details on Youdles and YoudleDAO are to come. YoudleDAO will be used directly and upgraded in the future for INV4; everything from the collection to the DAO will be on-chain; the DAO will be an IP set, and we’ll be working with other teams to realize ownership over servers like Discord, run through a decentralized Web3 fashion.

YoudleDAO and its members will be part of and present in the most advanced DAO in our ecosystem (if not in all of Web3); the first decentralized DAO through and through, and with the option to integrate the use of Discord 👀

To get the latest updates, follow the YoudleDAO Twitter Account!


Dakota to be on PolkaWarriors’ PolkaTalk #8!

Catch Dakota tomorrow in PolkaWarriors’ PolkaTalk #8 on Twitter Spaces!

The individuals at PolkaWarriors are absolutely a great group in the Dotsama space, they are dedicated to supporting teams, and spreading quality news, and they are just incredible.

Remember to set that reminder for tomorrow!

Link to the Twitter Space:

InvArch Ambassador Program: Changes + Announcement Tomorrow!

The team is excited to share that the changes we have discussed and worked on for the InvArch Ambassador Program will be announced tomorrow!

Casey, our Community Manager (along with our Strategic Growth Coordinator, Mikhail), has been working hard to ensure that the Ambassador Program truly motivates and furthers the vibrancy and enthusiasm it has always shown since its inception.

If you are not part of our Ambassador Program and are interested in contributing to the InvArch Network, we encourage you to apply! Links to the new application forms will be released tomorrow in part of the full announcement.

In closing off this Weekly Wednesday–in about 5 days, Tinkernet is coming to Kusama, RMRK NFT 2.0 Pallets to be first introduced on Tinkernet, dropping some brief alpha on YoudleDAO, a PolkaTalk with PolkaWarriors & Dakota tomorrow at 4:00 PM (UTC), and a big announcement dropping tomorrow on the InvArch Ambassador Program!

Thank you all for tuning in, and we’ll see you next week! 🚀




Written by InvArch

One Account. Any Blockchain. Infinite Possibilities.

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