InvArch Monthly Update: September 2022

6 min readOct 10, 2022


September has concluded, and the month was a big success for InvArch! The team was laser-focused on development and presented GitArch — the most advanced, seamless, & unstoppable alternative to platforms such as GitHub! Meanwhile, YoudleDAO is picking up steam, showcasing high community support for advanced DAOs solutions and future DAOist CDK!

All of the team’s hard work paid off well, with InvArch becoming more publicly known as one of the ecosystem’s most active and delivering teams!

Let us wait no more and dive into this September Monthly Update! 👇

New InvArch Website and InvArch Knowledge Base

The official website was updated to fit the latest changes in the InvArch design paradigm! Soft colors, great graphics, and easy accessibility. Every page has been rebuilt from scratch, and it is pretty awesome!

The site address stays the same:

The InvArch team pays great attention to community education and accessibility of information. This was the reason why the InvArch Knowledge Base was established! Announcements, articles, videos, partnerships, and even Twitter threads exploring InvArch, everything related to the project is conveniently stored on our public notion page!

Be sure to have a look at it here and share it to educate your friends on InvArch!

InvArch Partners with SubQuery

As the ultimate layer-1 for the future creator economy, InvArch will have a vast amount of data that will be indexed & need to be referenced quickly, whether for the sake of on-chain analytical tools or super-powered dApps built using InvArch’s INV4 protocol.

The SubQuery is an excellent technical solution that quickly indexes and analyzes data at speeds comparable to and superior to Web2 counterparts. The open source origin of the project and its decentralization contribute to the stability of the network, providing almost 100% uptime and easy configurations.

The indexing and query services for InvArch and Tinkernet are completely managed by SubQuery and are provided to the Polkadot community for free in SubQuery’s Explorer.

Catch the full announcement here.

Tinkernet 🤝 Basilisk to Host the first LBP in the Dotsama Ecosystem!

The first-ever price discovery using Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool in the Dotsama ecosystem is officially announced! The main inspiration behind an LBP is the ability to launch tokens with low capital requirements that also provide a strong degree of protection against the whales and bots in the crypto space.

Basilisk is the canary network of HydraDX on the Kusama Relay Chain that has the mission to enable frictionless liquidity bootstrapping for new crypto assets. Tinkernet will open an HRMP channel with Basilisk, and the LBP event is planned to be held from Oct. 12, 2022, at 4:00 PM UTC until Oct. 15, 2022, at 4:00 PM UTC with $KSM/$TNKR pair.

You can hear InvArch and Basilisk teams discussing the upcoming event on Tinker Talks Twitter Spaces, and check out the full announcement in the Cointelegraph article.


This month can be fairly named a YoudleDAO month in the Dotsama ecosystem! With more than 2300+ KSM trading volume and some recognizable names joining the DAO, the hype and FOMO were high! Almost every week, the InvArch team reveals more and more alpha on the future of YoudleDAO and the DAOist CDK, and the community has always been excited to hear it!

With the collection floor totally swept from Singular, there is still a chance to join the DAO before the Bonfire event!

Check out the YoudleDAO collection on the Singular marketplace, and follow the Roadmap!

GitArch Private Beta

GitArch is the flagship product of the InvArch team–a censorship-resistant, decentralized Git version control tool that will be the first dApp to showcase the power of InvArch multi-signature solutions! With GitArch, developers will finally have a single hub to develop, test, & deploy smart contracts on any chain.

More than 100 teams across various ecosystems have applied to participate in the GitArch private beta, and the first wave of participants has been selected to provide valuable feedback & feature recommendations!

The Founder of Polkadot & Co-Founder of Ethereum, Gavin Wood, showed his interest in GitArch by liking one of the latest GitArch tweets.

Polkadot Monthly Community Call

The official Polkadot Monthly Community Call was held on their Twitter Spaces on Sept. 22. On these calls, the community is updated on the latest Polkadot governance motions and proposals and on the development of significant parachain projects.

InvArch Founder, Dakota Barnett, was hosted in the space to speak about the latest updates on network development, GitArch, and YoudleDAO.

Catch the call here (skip to 40:36)

Dakota at Astar Network Twitter Space

InvArch Founder, Dakota Barnett, had the great opportunity to be brought onto Astar Network’s “Let’s talk WASM” Twitter Spaces segment on September 20th, 2022! The broad topic discussed was on InvArch architecture, but also all about specific and innovative technologies such as GitArch, InvArch’s NFT Primitives, YoudleDAO and the Youdles NFT Collection, and more!

The full recording can be found here!

The Polkadot Fellowship

On the 26th of September, The Founder of Polkadot & Co-Founder of Ethereum, Gavin Wood, published a draft of the Polkadot Fellowship Manifesto. It is a rules-based ranked-membership organization administered and empowered through blockchain logic hosted on the Polkadot Network. The Fellowship can be seen as a source of expertise and leadership over the technology required in the development of the network.

The Co-Founder of InvArch, Gabriel, was one of the first accepted members of the Fellowship, approved by Polkadot Founders themselves!

You can find the proposal here.

Gabe at Sub0

Sub0 is the conference for developers building at every level of the Polkadot tech stack, from custom layer-1 blockchains to dApps & smart contracts, infrastructure, tooling, cross-chain interoperability solutions, and more. It will be held on 28th-29th November in Lisbon.

The Co-Founder of InvArch, Gabriel, will be speaking on an NFT-focused panel to share how InvArch will revolutionize NFT primitives! The panel will take place on November 28th at 10.50 AM UTC +2 time!

Looking at the month ahead

September truly was one of the most exciting months for the InvArch team, but the journey continues, and you can expect even more events and news in the upcoming month!

Our plans for October are:

  • $TNKR LBP Event on October 12th
  • Youdles NFT mintings & Bonfire event
  • GitArch Private Beta close
  • $TNKR listing on Basilisk
  • OCIF: NFT staking going LIVE
  • More partnership announcements!

Thank you for reading the InvArch Monthly Update for September.

Be sure to come back next month for October’s Update 🚀




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