InvArch Monthly Update: November 2022

8 min readDec 8, 2022


The month of November at the InvArch Network was a busy month of building, representation, and showcasing! The team may had been well occupied, busy developing behind the curtains, but it can be said that it was an eventful month for the InvArch team and the community!

Without further ado, let’s go into how the month of November was like at the InvArch Network!

The Release of the Tinkernet Patch for Spacers NFT Holders

Kicking off the month of November is the InvArch Tinkernet and a Spacers NFT collaboration! Fellow Tinkernauts and InvArchitects that become (or are already) Spacers NFT holders can equip the Tinkernet patch to their Spacer with the code “BIGBRAINS.”

(Spacers NFT is an NFT Collection created by the team at Subsocial, in collaboration with the RMRK team.)

InvArch Founder, Dakota Barnett, at the Polkadot Summit

On November 3rd, 2022, InvArch’s Founder & Head of Product, Dakota Barnett, presented a technical discussion on GitArch, titled “Unstoppable Code for Unstoppable Developers!”

Dakota and the InvArch Team showcased GitARch to a room full of attendees at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco, California! They demonstrated how to easily get set up and how to mint your first repository on GitArch!

Sub.ID Adds Tinkernet to the Sub.ID App

It’s always amazing news to hear about a Polkadot or Kusama asset being made available & accessible throughout the Paraverse!

Mid-way through the month, the InvArch Network team was happy to hear about the InvArch Tinkernet’s native token, TNKR, to be viewable on Sub.ID!

Sub.ID is “a complimentary service to Subsocial” where anyone in the Dotsama ecosystem can access their Substrate wallet addresses anywhere!

Crane’s Deep Dive Article on GitArch

Crane, a well-known thought leader throughout the Dotsama ecosystem, and a writer at The Kusamarian, released another impressive and thorough article on GitArch!

We invite all InvArch Community Members and citizens of Web3 to give his article on GitArch–the decentralized and censorship-resistant alternative for code hosting, version control and collaboration, where developers can store their code as NFT assets!

Check out Crane’s article here:

Updating the Community on IP Staking

With the immediate InvArch Tinkernet community looking forward to IP Staking (TNKR Staking on the Tinkernet parachain) following the successful Tinkernet LBP Event, the InvArch Team provided an important update on the progress of IP Staking!

On November 17th, 2022, the InvArch Development Team confirmed that the code for IP Staking was deemed complete. Although, before being made available to the public, the code is undergoing tests and a security audit!

The Start of the “Most Loved Projects” Event by dotinsights!

On November 18th, 2022, the SubWallet team launched an ecosystem-wide campaign called “Most Loved Projects” where Polkadot and Kusama users were given the opportunity to vote for their favourite projects in the ecosystem!

InvArch’s very own Social Media Manager, A.J., also provided the InvArch Community with an easy guide on how to vote on the dotinsights platform.

This campaign ended on November 30th, 2022, and the InvArch Team was proud to see where the InvArch Network, the InvArch Tinkernet, and YoudleDAO ranked!

  • InvArch — #27 with 168 votes
  • Tinkernet Parachain — #38 with 121 votes
  • YoudleDAO — #28 with 144 votes

It was a very entertaining and heartening experience to see so many users, community members, and more, partake in the “Most Loved Projects” campaign. The InvArch Team truly thanks all community members for showing their support for InvArch, Tinkernet, and YoudleDAO through submitted their votes!

Third TinkerTalks Episode with The Quest of Evolution!

In the most recent TinkerTalks Episode #3, InvArch Founder, Dakota Barnett, was joined by Bob Juburi, the Co-Founder and Head of Community & Artist Relations at The Quest of Evolution!

A very engaging and intriguing conversation took place between Dakota and Bob, with topics on knowing more of The Quest of Evolution, the InvArch Network’s DAOist CDK (Community Development Kit), the Creator Economy, IP Commodities on-chain, and more!

The Quest of Evolution is an innovative NFT project focusing on Crypto Collaborative Art and collaborative storytelling using NFT technology.

You can catch the full recap of the Twitter Space below:

The Publishing of the First of 4 Writing of the InvArch Papers

To obtain a foundational understanding of the InvArch Network, it is important to learn about & realize the significance of the INV4 Protocol!

On November 22, 2022, the first writing of the InvArch Papers was shared with the InvArch Network Community & the broader Dotsama Community!

In this inaugural piece of the InvArch Papers, readers can expect a well-detailed break down of the revolutionary & innovative elements of the INV4 Protocol.

Dive into the writing here:

InvArch Co-Founder, Gabriel, Accepted into the Polkadot Fellowship!

The InvArch Team was extremely excited and happy to hear that InvArch’s very own Co-Founder and Head of Development, Gabriel Facco de Arruda, received confirmation of his membership with the Polkadot Fellowship on November 24th, 2022!

The Polkadot Fellowship “is a rules-based ranked-membership organisation administered and empowered through blockchain logic hosted on the Polkadot Network,” ( It is a “self-governing expert body” with a main goal of representing the individuals who “embody and contain the technical knowledge of the Polkadot network and protocol,” (

Congratulations to Gabriel and the rest of the first 45 members who have been accepted into the fellowship!

The InvArch Team at sub0: the Polkadot Developer Conference!

This past November 28–29th, 2022, our own Co-Founder & Head of Development, Gabe, accompanied by our talented Lead Front-End Web3 Developer, Pedro, attended sub0!

This conference (sub0) is known as “the Polkadot Developer Conference.” It is where the ecosystem’s builders a.k.a developers, (who build at any and every level of the Polkadot tech stack) get together and take part in knowledge-sharing, attend various keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, and more!

Gabe delivered talks and was featured in the following panels:

  • Nov. 27, 2022 | KodaDot (Warmup & Networking) “OpevGov” Panel — with Leemo from ChaosDAO, Yang Wao from KodaDot, and Zoe from Phala Network
  • Nov. 28, 2022 |Next Generation NFTs” Panel — with Bill Laboon from the Web3 Foundation, Geoffrey Heckmann from Ternoa, and Greg Zaitsev from Unique Network
  • Nov. 29, 2022 | InvArch Network Demo Table — showcasing GitArch
  • Nov. 30, 2022 | GitArch Presentation at the Polkadot Barcamp Summit

Want to get a glimpse of what it was like at sub0? 👀

Check out the photos below!

YoudleDAO Bonfire Event Update

The YoudleDAO Bonfire Event is imminent, and we know that all Youdles have been itching for the mint to finally take place.

During the Bonfire Event, Youdles can expect every Youdle consisting of a base NFT with slots to equip other NFTs (known as Youdle Accessories), in which holders can use to customize their Youdle!

Thanks to RMRK and their NFT 2.0 Protocol, this incredibly explosive mint is made possible!

Check out the Twitter Thread below, and read on what to expect during the upcoming mint!

InvArch Founder, Dakota on The RiRi Show!

Ending off the eventful month of November, Dakota had the amazing opportunity to be interviewed by the one and only, RiRi_gonewild!

RiRi is a well-known social media influencer in the Dotsama ecosystem, and is a Community Manager at Moonsama, Exosama, Pondsama, and Raresama! (Be sure to follow her on Twitter!)

Joining a historical and impressive lineup of past interviewees, including Moonbeam Network’s Derek Yoo, Subsquid’s Dmitry Zhelezov, Zetigeist PM’s Logan Saether, and the Web3 Foundation’s Bill Laboon (just to name a few), Dakota took RiRi and her audience into a detailed exploration into the InvArch Network!

Check out the interview below!

Looking At the Month Ahead!

Our plans for December are:

  • Releasing details on InvArch’s Polkadot Crowdloan plans
  • YoudleDAO Mint & Airdrop
  • Update on IP Staking on the InvArch Tinkernet
  • Kusama Treasury Proposal: Funding for a Multi-Signature Solution

Thank you for taking the time to read through this monthly update! We’ll catch you soon on giving the entire InvArch Community an update for December! 🚀




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